Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Con la mirada puesta en EEUU

Motivos para invertir en USA y una selección de fondos sobre los que tenemos una buena opinión.

PERSPECTIVAS: Invertir en agricultura

Richard Davis, co-gestor del BGF World Agriculture, nos expone la lógica de la inversión en agricultura.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Commodities Cycle Won't Be Over for Years and Food Crisis Looms, Rogers Says

by Peter Gorenstein in Investing, Newsmakers, Commodities

Jim Rogers, famed investor and best-selling author, announced the start of a global commodities rally in 1999. It turned out to be a heck of call: Since then, commodities have dramatically outperformed stocks.

Just this year, gold has hit record highs above $1000 per ounce, copper has nearly doubled and oil has rallied sharply off its March lows. So does Robers still believe in the commodity boom?

You bet. "The story is not over, not for a while," he tells Tech Ticker in this video clip. "I don't see any reason it's going to be over for a few years because no one is bringing new supply on stream."

Commodities Cycle Won't Be Over for Years and Food Crisis Looms, Rogers Says

by Peter Gorenstein in Investing, Newsmakers, Commodities

Jim Rogers, famed investor and best-selling author, announced the start of a global commodities rally in 1999. It turned out to be a heck of call: Since then, commodities have dramatically outperformed stocks.

Just this year, gold has hit record highs above $1000 per ounce, copper has nearly doubled and oil has rallied sharply off its March lows. So does Robers still believe in the commodity boom?

You bet. "The story is not over, not for a while," he tells Tech Ticker in this video clip. "I don't see any reason it's going to be over for a few years because no one is bringing new supply on stream."

It's a V! Recovery "A Lot Stronger" Than Consensus, ECRI's Achuthan Says

by Aaron Task

Good news for those worried about the economy: "We are in the early stages of the recovery and it looks to be a lot stronger" than the consensus for modest 2%-3% GDP growth, says
Lakshman Achuthan, managing director of the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI).

Furthermore, the recovery will be "V-shaped" and is now "virtually unstoppable" - at least through the first half of 2010 -- Achuthan says, citing a "positive contagion" in the economy right now, based on leading economic indicators. Most notably, the ECRI's index of Weekly Economic Indicators just hit a new record high.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Warren Buffett's $3 Billion Goldman Anniversary

By: Alex Crippen
Executive Producer


Warren Buffett and Goldman Sachs: Golden Anniversary
It's 12 months later and Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is $3 billion richer.
One year ago today, on September 23, 2008, with the financial world still reeling from the collapse of Lehman Brothers just days before, Buffett stunned Wall Street with a massive vote of confidence for Goldman Sachs.
In a late-day news release, Goldman announced a private deal to sell Berkshire $5 billion of perpetual preferred stock. In effect, Berkshire was giving Goldman a massive loan. And you don't loan that kind of money to a firm you think could follow Lehman down the drain.

Rogers: We Need More Lehmans

By: Dan Weil

Money News

Investor extraordinaire Jim Rogers says the financial system needs more failures like Lehman Brothers to restore a functioning free market.
The chairman of Rogers Holding wrote in the Financial Times, “We need some more Lehmans so we can get out of this.”
During the last 20 years, “Greenspan and Bernanke introduced crony capitalism to the West, which is leading to a lost decade(s),” Rogers writes.
“Market fundamentals are that failures should collapse and be replaced by creative new forces rather than being propped up as zombies. Financial institutions have been failing for centuries and the world has survived.”

Bill Gross: Sell Equities, Buy Treasuries

Edward Harrison

Seeking Alpha

Bill Gross is a bond man. In fact, he is often called the “Bond King” because Pimco, the organization where he is founder and Co-Chief Investment Officer, is the largest bond fund in the world. In Bondland, what Gross says has a lot of weight.
And Gross has been talking about a “new normal” of deleveraging, deglobalization and reregulation. In his view, this means weak consumer demand counterbalanced only by heavier government intervention, leading to slow growth for the foreseeable future (See my post ‘Gross: The new normal for “the next 10 years and maybe even the next 20 years”’). In essence, he sees a scenario that is bullish for bonds (especially longer duration types like the 10-year and the 30-year) but not particularly bullish for shares.

Future of Polish-US relations

The shape of Polish-US relations and what the future holds in store for Polish culture.

Polish-US relations is the topic taken up by several papers. Analysts wonder if Washington’s decision to abandon plans for a missile shield installation in Poland will prove to be a setback in these relations. US analyst George Friedman claims in the tabloid FAKT that nothing has changed so far. ‘From the tactical point of view, the anti-missile shield was not that important for Poland’, he writes. It was more of a symbolic significance. What is really important is the shape of US-Russian relations. Moscow will most probably ask for more gestures from Washington and will want to have a final say on affairs with Ukraine and Georgia.