Monday, October 12, 2009

Commodities Cycle Won't Be Over for Years and Food Crisis Looms, Rogers Says

by Peter Gorenstein in Investing, Newsmakers, Commodities

Jim Rogers, famed investor and best-selling author, announced the start of a global commodities rally in 1999. It turned out to be a heck of call: Since then, commodities have dramatically outperformed stocks.

Just this year, gold has hit record highs above $1000 per ounce, copper has nearly doubled and oil has rallied sharply off its March lows. So does Robers still believe in the commodity boom?

You bet. "The story is not over, not for a while," he tells Tech Ticker in this video clip. "I don't see any reason it's going to be over for a few years because no one is bringing new supply on stream."

Commodities Cycle Won't Be Over for Years and Food Crisis Looms, Rogers Says

by Peter Gorenstein in Investing, Newsmakers, Commodities

Jim Rogers, famed investor and best-selling author, announced the start of a global commodities rally in 1999. It turned out to be a heck of call: Since then, commodities have dramatically outperformed stocks.

Just this year, gold has hit record highs above $1000 per ounce, copper has nearly doubled and oil has rallied sharply off its March lows. So does Robers still believe in the commodity boom?

You bet. "The story is not over, not for a while," he tells Tech Ticker in this video clip. "I don't see any reason it's going to be over for a few years because no one is bringing new supply on stream."

It's a V! Recovery "A Lot Stronger" Than Consensus, ECRI's Achuthan Says

by Aaron Task

Good news for those worried about the economy: "We are in the early stages of the recovery and it looks to be a lot stronger" than the consensus for modest 2%-3% GDP growth, says
Lakshman Achuthan, managing director of the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI).

Furthermore, the recovery will be "V-shaped" and is now "virtually unstoppable" - at least through the first half of 2010 -- Achuthan says, citing a "positive contagion" in the economy right now, based on leading economic indicators. Most notably, the ECRI's index of Weekly Economic Indicators just hit a new record high.