Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where is Superman? Is he “Deep Captured”?

By Rich Hartmann - Miss America

Look, up in the sky… It’s a bird… it’s a plane… No! It’s, it’s …Chicken Little?

Time and again we hear the media, politicians, and financial “experts”, in an effort to protect their careers and/or reputations, say: “NO ONE SAW THIS FINANCIAL TSUNAMI COMING!” There are a few media clowns now coming out of the woodwork that claim with their 20/20 hindsight, that they saw it…. “but just underestimated its size a scale… and that no one could have predicted that!” (or even better, amongst those clowns 500 bullish articles, they wrote 1 skeptic article, for which they now hold to the light of prophetic genius.)

Well, to most of the long time readers here on this RGE blog and the various other terrific financial blogshere locations… We know that the statement “NO ONE SAW THIS COMING” just ain’t true! For those of us, that gathered here (and throughout the internet), and spent the last few years studying this crisis and warning our family, friends and anyone else who would listen, that statement is an infuriating slap in the face and a boldface lie!

Chicken Little becomes Dr Doom

Prior to the 2008 collapse, we watched first hand, the media puppets call people like Nouriel Roubini “Chicken Littles”. Amazingly enough, upon being proven right, that the sky was indeed falling, the most prophetic “chicken little” of them all, was given a new nickname. Dr Doom! Dr Doom??? …an evil comic book character that is bent on destruction?!?!?! (Yes, many others have worn that tag before Nouriel. …but the beauty of this tag/name is, the bullish media can start to use it against him when they need optimism over reality) So Dr Doom is the name we came up with. …just because he was nice enough to point out to the public what was about to happen.

(I guess it makes more sense now. To the media, and those in control of the media who wanted their fictional world of fake profits to continue, Nouriel was the most evil man around! Damn him for exposing this façade! Damn him for bringing an end to the fake corrupt profits! Damn him for telling the truth about the economy!)
