Friday, June 26, 2009

Stratfor unveils another spooky story of Russia's imminent supremacy in Europe

There is no such notion as a former intelligence officer. An intelligence officer always remains an intelligence officer. This notion becomes particularly clear when you read the so-called “analyses” from the US Stratfor (Strategic Forecasting) agency. The agency collects information to look into the future of various regions of the globe. Stratfor’s founding father, George Friedman, is a former professor of geopolitics.

The agency’s products – forecasts and predictions – are especially important for companies involved in global trade. Stratfor does not expose the names of its clients – it only says that it cooperates with both large corporations and private individuals.

Stratfor surprised its clients with an analytical note in 2004, which said that the Bush administration addressed to the Kremlin with a suggestion to dispatch a considerable military contingent to Iraq or Afghanistan. The sources of the agency close to Russia’s Security Council said that then-President Putin accepted the offer from the White House and even ordered the General Headquarters to prepare the plan of the operation by the end of July 2004.