Saturday, May 30, 2009

3 Huge Value Traps You Must Avoid Today

By Ilan Moscovitz

If you talk to the most successful value investors on the planet these days, you'll notice a common refrain:

"We're … finding bargains galore"
That's Whitney Tilson, whose T2 Partners has earned 7% annually since inception in 1999 versus negative 3% for the S&P 500.

Not to be outdone, superinvestor Warren Buffett penned an op-ed in The New York Times comparing the present to troubled periods like 1932, 1942, and the early 1980s -- all fantastic times to buy stocks.

And I never thought we would see the day when GMO's notorious perma-bear Jeremy Grantham would say, "You are looking at the best prices in 20 years."

The last time that guy was actually optimistic about stocks was in 1982.

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