Monday, May 25, 2009

Confessions of a Money Manager: To those who cashed out of the market - there is a way back

by Ray Unger,

Well, this stock market is definitely one for the books. Back in early March, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average was routinely giving up huge hunks of value and investors were panicking in droves, the market suddenly reversed itself and the Dow zoomed 379.44 points, or 5.8 percent. Since then, it's added another 1,370 points, bringing it 26.7 percent above the March 11 low of 6,547.

Now that we're here, what should investors who exited the market do?

If you're a technician -- one who applies arcane formulas using stock prices and transaction volume to construct charts -- the outlook is rosy. According to Stephen Gandel of the Wall Street Journal the "number crunchers are happy." Two prominent technicians in particular were cited in Gandel's article: Mary Ann Bartels of Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, and Lazlo Birinyi, long-time market strategist and regular contributor to Forbes and Bloomberg Personal Finance.

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