Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cynthia McKinney’s conspiracy theories strike again

It appears Cynthia McKinney will take her anti-Semitic conspiracy theories wherever she can find them. Blogger Adam Holland notes that the one-time Democratic member of Congress from Georgia and 2008 Green Party nominee for president -- whose father blamed her congressional defeat in 2002 on the "J-E-W-S" is now promoting the far-right theories of Matthias Chang that a group of "Shadow Money-Lenders" is trying to destabilize the world economy and install a "one-world government":

McKinney's column (read here) which accuses George Soros and Alan Greenspan of participating in a plot to deliberately destabilize the world economy in order to install a "one-world government", uses Chang's term for this purported conspiracy: "the Shadow Money-Lenders" (not coincidentally, the title of Chang's most recent book). Typical of such conspiracy theories, Chang and McKinney connect this to an ancient plot which took shape under the hidden hand of the Rothschilds. McKinney puts a somewhat confused post-colonial third-world spin on this by citing Haiti as an example of what she says is planned for the rest of the world, the apparent link being that she happens to be in Haiti at the moment. Her leftist, "shock doctrine" approach also serves to make the essentially fascist contents of her column more palatable.

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